Permanent Future Lab Wiki
From Permanent Future Lab
Available Innovations in the Labs
You are mostly welcome to visit a Permanent Future Lab at the location of your choice.
Devices currently discoverable are innovative technologies like robotics, Virtual RealIty and Internet of Things items. At every location, however, the discoverable technology differs. Therefore, complete overviews are created per location at designated pages.
The next event is Tuesday 16 April 2024 7.30 PM Geeky Night Out / Tech Tuesday Permanent Future Lab Utrecht, Netherlands
Permanent Future Lab | simply explained
Permanent Future Lab (PFLab) is a publicly accessible location where the newest technology is being shared. Currently there are a few in the Netherlands, one at Bali and Bangladesh. At those locations anyone can play, discover and exchange new ideas through available technology or by learning from other passersby. Available technology varies highly from robots, brainscanners, VR headsets to Internet of Thing devices and mini controllers. And the types of people you can meet vary from lab to lab and from time to time; from first-timers to real geeks.
Accessible to Anyone
Every Permanent Future Lab (PFLab) is open to anyone of society. Without any monetary obligation!
The Value System
Permanent Future Lab (PFLab) is initiated and facilitated by a social movement; a decentralized network of a diverse group of people supporting the sharing economy. The beauty of it is -and to the disbelieve of many- that money does not play a role. So, to be very clear: there is no business model! The labs embrace an alternative value exchange system, where sharing is key. PFLab thrives in an ecosystem free of money issues, strict hierarchical set of rules or any hassle from the old world. The PFLab sharing eco-system figure on the right explains how this works in detail.
- Every physical PFLab is located within a place that is being shared by others.
- Technology available at a PFLab is being shared by people and other parties, without any direct commercial interest.
- At some PFLabs visitors are being welcomed by hosts, sharing their time, kindness and knowledge. Having a host is however an option and can be done by people or other forms.
- Experiences, new knowledge and innovations are being shared by hosts, visitors, ambassadors and fans.
Preferred sharing method
It is stimulated to share technology that is innovative and open source. With the idea, however, that PFLabs are there to empower you and others around us, the movement stimulates to share other resources too. You can think of sharing your individual knowledge, social or professional network, time and so on. At the end interconnecting with other humans and exchanging ideas with them are very important too and leads often to unexpected, valuable, insights.
By stimulating and facilitating PFLabs the idea is to:
- make new technology accessible for a broad(er) audience, and
- reduce the gap between the world of upcoming technology and society
Your Impact?
You can join and contribute too! Because everything is an informal happening. And as it is a decentralized network you are free to tag along. To simplify things the movement is based upon society driven, innovation and openness, the movement's three core values to make everything happen.
Anyone who respects the core values & participating agreements of the movement may contribute.
- Visiting: When you visit a Permanent Future Lab you can help by sharing.
- Innovative technologies: Do you have a technology in abundance or are you a technology producer? Please consider to lend your technology at a location of your choice.
- Location: If you have a passion for innovation & technology and like to start a location where society shares innovative technologies by abundance, the current best way is to get in touch with multiple other initiators who can be found at their location wiki page and the movement initiators.
- Website: The site is public and can be modified by anyone due to the Wiki software. Feel free to add your own Permanent Future Lab location, the technologies you are sharing and photos you've created of the technologies. Developers can help developing this wiki. System administrators can create backups of this wiki.
- Design: You can create a poster, change the logo, or add another wiki skin.
- Social Media: You can share with #PFLab hashtag. There are also existing social media channels or if you prefer start a new one. Current existing ones: Twitter (@permanentfuture, @PFLab), LinkedIn, or one of the Facebook groups (this one is a good starting point).
- Chat: Talk with other enthusiasts to get things done together at Matrix.
See what people shared using
Check the locations page for an overview of Permanent Future Lab locations and Pop-ups