

From Permanent Future Lab

Mamba3D 3D-Printer
Mamba3D 3D-Printer

The Mamba3D 3D-Printer is an open source 3D-printer available for usage by any visitor of the PFLab.

Technology and examples


The printer uses the FDM technology in which the printer lays down strings of plastic (PLA) in a predefined pattern, layer by layer, forming a physical 3D-object.

Schematic display of FDM Technology
Schematic display of FDM Technology

Example 3D-prints

Some examples of products made with the Mamba3D 3D-printer:

3D-printed technical products
Kriptonite in Glow-in-the-dark
Raspberry Pi Case
Rocket of TinTin


Operating the machine

The manuals on how to use the Mamba3D 3D-Printer, check out the site of the manufacturer. In the download section of their site you'll find the building instructions in case you want to expand or adjust the printer.

Also you'll find the software manual in which there is a step-by-step description on how to print you first 3D-print with the Mamba3D.

How to print a SketchUp Model

Learn how to 3D-print a model made in SketchUp

  1. Open Sketchup
  2. Make something
  3. File -> Export STL
  4. Open Repetier
  5. File -> Load -> Select your STL file
  6. Select tab "Slice"
  7. Click the huge "Slice" button
  8. Make sure you connect the Mamba3D-printer properly
  9. Click "Connect to 3D Printer"
  10. Click "Start print"

The 3D model will now be printed.

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